List of Call for Papers in Tourism 2024 in International Indexed Journals

The below list of Call for Papers in Tourism 2024 has been updated for having ease in getting a chance to publish in SCOPUS, Web of Science, or UGC CARE journals. A “call for papers” (or CFP) is an invitation from a professional journal, conference, or other forum for academics to submit work on a certain topic or subject.

The CFP for a particular publication or other institution might stipulate a research topic or series of questions that academics should address in their work.

The list Call for Papers in Tourism 2024 are in below with brief descriptions:

The Special Issue, The Tourism Geographies of Soundscapes:  Theory, Methods, and Praxis, to be published in Tourism Geographies.

This special issue is led by Daniel Laven, European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR), Mid Sweden University and Rose Keller, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research.

Please see full details here 

Deadline for extended abstracts, 1 July 2024.

The journal “Current Issues in Tourism” is developing a special issue dedicated to anticipating the future of the tourism professions through an open debate about the cues that persist in shadowing the reputation of the professions in tourism.  The special issue welcomes contributions such as literature reviews and empirical and conceptual research to provide insights into all aspects of professions in tourism as it paves the way to increase the notoriety of the tourism profession. We encourage submissions focusing on multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary nature and longitudinal research.

Guest editors:

  • Antonia Correia, CEFAGE, University of Algarve, KIPT Colab, Portugal
  • Metin Kozak, Kadir Has University, Turkey

Deadline for the submission of manuscripts: 1 September 2024

The range of sub-topics related to tourism and hospitality professions includes, but is not limited to:

  • Antecedents and consequences of turnover
  • Wages and productivity
  • Seasonality in tourism professions
  • Work-life balance
  • Discrimination and minorities
  • Immigration, aging and social impacts
  • Career expectations
  • Motivations and drivers for a career in tourism
  • Remote work in tourism
  • Social impacts and benefits of a profession in tourism
  • Sustainability of the profession in tourism
  • Education and profession in tourism
  • Curricula in tourism- skills, competencies, and abilities
  • Motivations and preferences to study tourism
  • Digital transformation and the profession in tourism
  • Competition between technological advancements and human forces in tourism
  • Unpredictable changes in the future of tourism professionals.

For more info and submission of manuscripts, please click

A newly established open access journal associated with Our journal is dedicated to advancing discussions and knowledge sharing in crucial areas such as biodiversity and conservation, climate change, environmental education, and sustainable resource management.

Academia Environmental Sciences and Sustainability will be free of charge. We are confident that your valuable insights and unique perspective would not only enrich our journal but also provide our readers with a deeper understanding of these pressing issues.

Using Academia’s network of 259 million users, articles will be processed rapidly and accepted publications will be read by other top researchers in your field. Academia Environmental Sciences and Sustainability is committed to meeting the requirements of major indexing databases as well as the COPE guidelines for publication ethics.

“PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE OF SOCIAL TOURISM” is the theme of the upcoming issue.

Abstract submission date (in English or French): June 29, 2024

  • Submission date: October 6, 2024
  • Scheduled for publication: 2025

Issue coordination:

  • Marcelo Vilela de Almeida, Associate Professor, School of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities, University of São Paulo (USP) – Brazil
  • Erica Schenkel, Researcher, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Professor, Department of Geography and Tourism, National University of the South – Argentina
  • Anya Diekmann, Professor, Brussels Centre for Tourism Studies, Department of Geosciences, Environment, and Society (DGES), Free University of Brussels – Belgium

Emerging in the first half of the 20th century in Europe, linked to the public policies of the welfare state, social tourism – understood here as all actions, initiatives, policies, and practices aimed at democratizing access to tourism – has developed in different forms around the world, taking on different configurations and reaching different audiences depending on the characteristics of the various countries where it has developed (Bélanger et al., 2007; Almeida, 2011; Schenkel, 2013).

Authors should forward a manuscript written in French or English and presented according to the journal’s rules.

In a global context of many challenges – social, political, economic, and environmental – the very concept of social tourism merits in-depth reflection. Considering the repercussions of phenomena such as the advance of neoliberalism, the crisis of associationism, the emergence of extremist political parties around the world, or the consequences of global warming on access to tourism and social tourism practices, we can ask ourselves

  • How are social tourism practices currently emerging around the world?
  • What are the prospects for democratizing access to tourism?
  • What are the possible repercussions of movements in favour of shorter working hours on social tourism operators?
  • To what extent can this democratization represent a risk for territories already suffocated by mass tourism and/or for the environment in a context of climate change?
  • By focusing on local tourism, what impact does social tourism have on the localities that receive it?
  • To what extent can tourism (and social tourism, more specifically) – as an expression of leisure – be considered a right?
  • How can we guarantee such a right, if tourism can be seen in this light, in the face of the challenges that characterize the contemporary world?
  • What changes has the COVID-19 pandemic brought to social tourism constituencies and initiatives?
  • What interfaces between governments, private companies, and social economy organizations can be harnessed to promote social tourism?
  • How can the countries of the Global South strengthen their social tourism initiatives, which are generally modest, in the face of the other challenges facing their populations?

Special Issue, The Tourism Geographies of Soundscapes: Theory, Methods, and Praxis, to be published in Tourism Geographies.
This special issue is led by Daniel Laven, European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR), Mid Sweden University and Rose Keller, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research.
Please see full details by clicking the link  
Deadline for extended abstracts, 1 July 2024.

A special issue titled “The Emergence of New Work Paradigms: Shaping the Hospitality and Tourism Industry and Its Workforce”. This issue is being featured in the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (JHTR), a leading platform for scholarly dialogue and innovation in our field.

Key Submission Details:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: February 23, 2024
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: August 9, 2024

Email for Abstract Submission and Q&As:

Submission Portal: SAGE’s Manuscript Central

List of Co-guest Editors:

Special Issue on Technology-driven Destination Transformations focuses extends to the implications of technologies like live-streaming, gaming, and the metaverse in destination representation and marketing, the evolving role of destination marketers in the era of AI, and the integration of technology into organizational structures for successful destination management (Sorokina et al., 2022). It also welcome papers that build on the analysis of complex big data generated in smart destinations by means of AI in order to provide valuable insights for destination management.

Guest Editors

  • Prof. Dr. Jacques Bulchand-Gidumal, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaira
  • Prof. Dr. Juho Pesonen, University of Eastern Finland
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gretzel, University of Southern California

Submission Process

Authors interested in submitting a paper to this special issue should email their abstracts (300-500 words) to one of the SI guest editors by April 30th, 2024.  The authors should use “Abstract for SI on Destination Transformation in JDMM” as the title of the email.

Please also contact the Guest Editors for any queries regarding the special issue or submission process.

Once the abstract has been approved, submissions for this special issue should be made through the Journal’s submission system specifying they are for the Special Issue on “Technology-driven Destination Transformations”. Detailed guidelines on submission format and process can be found on the Journal’s website.

Important Dates

  • Open call: January 15th, 2024
  • Abstracts due: April 30th, 2024
  • Abstract decisions: June 15th, 2024
  • Full paper due: September 30th, 2024
  • Final decision date: February 28th, 2025
  • Publication date: April 30th, 2025

There is multiple call for papers in the journals listed under Taylor and Francis:

  • Journal of Current Issues in Tourism: Cybersecurity in travel, tourism and hospitality
  • Current Issues in Tourism
  • Journal of Ecotourism
  • Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
  • Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Sport Marketing Quarterly Journal 
  • Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism

The journal is welcoming original submissions of research papers that explore the multifaceted realm of smart tourism under the following sub-themes. 


The integration of smart technologies, applications and knowledge management have revolutionized the way tourists experience and interact with destinations, creating new opportunities and challenges. The Journal of Smart Tourism invites researchers to contribute and aims to explore the impact of smart tourism, examine innovative approaches and technology solutions, and shed light on the opportunities and implications of this emerging field in tourism.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Smart tourism technologies and applications
  • Smart tourist experience 
  • Knowledge management in smart tourism
  • Case studies in smart tourism implementation
  • Smart tourism destinations
  • Mobile technologies and their impact on travel experiences
  • Artificial intelligence and data analytics in smart tourism
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality in tourism
  • Blockchain technology and its applications in the tourism sector
  • Privacy and security issues in smart tourism
  • Implications of smart tourism for sustainable development 
  • Smart tourism and cultural heritage preservation
  • Smart transportation systems and mobility solutions in tourism

Submission Process:

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the journal’s online submission system. Please ensure that you select the special issue “Smart Tourism in Brazil” when submitting your paper.

Review Process:

Each paper submitted for publication consideration is subjected to the standard review process designated by the Journal of Smart Tourism. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the Editor-in-chief along with the guest editors will decide whether particular submissions will be accepted, revised or rejected. 

The theme of this special issue is “ Advancing Behavioral Economics Research in Tourism and Hospitality: New Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives”. The focus of this special issue is to build a bridge between neoclassical and behavioral economics and bring the two sub-fields of research closer, in order to advance our understanding of tourists’ decision-making processes and the resulting travel behaviors.  You can see the full call for papers on the SAGE homepage.

Guest editors:

Gang Li and Marion Karl

Key Editors: 


Current Issues in Tourism is developing a special issue dedicated to anticipating the future of the tourism professions through an open debate about the cues that persist in shadowing the reputation of the professions in tourism. With this special issue, we hope to accumulate the knowledge to support the valorisation of the profession in tourism and hospitality. The special issue welcomes contributions such as literature reviews and empirical and conceptual research to provide insights into all aspects of professions in tourism as it paves the way to increase the notoriety of the tourism profession. We encourage submissions focusing on multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary nature and longitudinal research. Further research that covers the labour market conditions, the professional motivations and attitudes and/or the paradigms of education in tourism are also welcomed.

The range of sub-topics related to tourism and hospitality professions includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Turnover antecedents and consequents
  • Wages and productivity
  • Seasonality in tourism professions
  • Work-life balance
  • Discrimination and minorities
  • Immigration and social impacts
  • Career expectations
  • Motivations and drivers for a career in tourism
  • Remote work in tourism
  • Social impacts and benefits of a profession in tourism
  • Sustainability of the profession in tourism
  • Education and profession in tourism
  • Curricula in tourism- skills, competencies, and abilities
  • Motivations and preferences to study tourism
  • Digital transformation and the profession in tourism
  • Competition between technological advancements and human forces in tourism
  • Unpredictable changes in the future of tourism professionals.

Submission Guidelines

Submission deadline: Submit as soon as possible but before 30th September 2024.

Papers submitted to this special issue must select the correct issue (The Future of the Tourism Profession) via the online submission system.

The journal is inviting paper for a special issue on Technology-driven Destination Transformations. For more information visit the official site.

Guest Editors

  • Prof. Dr. Jacques Bulchand-Gidumal, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaira
  • Prof. Dr. Juho Pesonen, University of Eastern Finland
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gretzel, University of Southern California

Important Dates

  • Open call: January 15th, 2024
  • Abstracts due: April 30th, 2024
  • Abstract decisions: June 15th, 2024
  • Full paper due: September 30th, 2024
  • Final decision date: February 28th, 2025
  • Publication date: April 30th, 2025

The Journal brings publication opportunity for Special issue of Annals of Leisure Research : Leisure Events Navigating Tensions, Crises, and Disputes 

Guest Editors:

  • Alba Colombo, (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
  • Ilja Simons (Breda University of Applied Sciences) 

Important dates and information:

  • Submission of 250-word abstract and 100-word contributor bios no later than May 31st, 2024
  • Selected contributors will be invited to submit a full paper by mid-June 2024.
  • Full paper submission will be done through the journal platform (ScholarOne) by November 17th, 2024. (Papers should be 8000 words plus references.)
  • Publication is scheduled for 2025: online publication will occur immediately after acceptance, and the Special Issue paper publication is planned for the second half of 2025.